Cheerleading Camp-
Join us for our popular fun-filled summer camp! Athletes will cover all the basic fundamentals of cheerleading including:
-Proper Warm Up & Stretching
-Tumbling Drills & Progressions
-Strength & Conditioning
-Stunt basics
Camp games + open tumbling time will be involved as well!
Mini routine camp-
Join us for 3 days of cheerleading where athletes will work together to learn and perform a short routine! Their routine will consist of the 4 major components of cheer including: jumps, stunts, tumbling, and dance. A performance will take place on the last day of camp so athletes can show off their routine!
This camp is open to all athletes ages 5+!
Back Walkover Intensive clinic
During this clinic you will dive deep into the skill and break down each movement that makes it happen! Each session will meet for two hours per day for 3 days.
Back Handspring Intensive clinic
During this clinic you will dive deep into the skill and break down each movement that makes it happen! Each session will meet for two hours per day for 3 days.